گوگل نکاتی را برای بهبود سئو از طریق لینک های داخلی به اشتراک می گذارد


ایده های کلمه کلیدی را در چند ثانیه پیدا کنید
با تحقیقات قدرتمند کلمات کلیدی، نتایج سئو را افزایش دهید

کلمه کلیدی را وارد کنید

ابزار رایگان تحقیق کلمات کلیدی
چگونه برای وب سایت جدید خود سئو انجام دهیم [راهنمای 10 مرحله ای]
آخرین به روز رسانی در 22 ژوئیه 2024
کیت استار
نوشته کیت استار

SEO برای وب سایت جدید – تصویر پست وبلاگ
اگر به خوبی انجام شود، سئو (بهینه سازی موتور جستجو) می تواند هر ماه هزاران بازدید کننده هدفمند را به وب سایت شما بفرستد.

این کار سایت شما را از یک فکر بعدی به دارایی تبدیل می کند که منجر به فروش و فروش می شود.

Backlinko به عنوان یک وبلاگ شخصی ساده در سال 2012 شروع به کار کرد و یک یا دو پست در ماه منتشر می کرد. در دو سال اول، ترافیک ما از چند صد بازدید کننده ماهانه به چند هزار نفر افزایش یافت.

اکنون بیش از 680 هزار جلسه ماهانه ایجاد می کند که 74 درصد آن از جستجوهای ارگانیک است .

تجزیه و تحلیل – Backlinko – جستجوی ارگانیک
بیش از یک دهه طول کشید تا به این نقطه رسیدیم، اما رویکرد ما به سئو ثابت مانده است. همیشه در مورد محتوای مفید، تجربه کاربری متفکرانه، برندسازی قوی و کسب بک لینک های با کیفیت بوده است.

این مقاله نحوه انجام سئو وب سایت خود را در 10 مرحله قابل هضم پوشش می دهد. و ابزارهای توصیه شده در طول مسیر (برخی رایگان و برخی پولی).

ما با اندرو پلوسو، مالک آژانس بازاریابی موز ، برای مشاوره تخصصی او در مورد شروع به کار با سئو مصاحبه کردیم. نکات او را در سراسر این راهنما برای تنظیم کسب و کار کوچک خود برای موفقیت خواهید دید.

باشه، آماده؟

بیایید با مرحله یک شروع کنیم.

1. وب سایت خود را راه اندازی کنید
اگر قبلاً سایت خود را راه اندازی نکرده اید، وقت آن رسیده است که یک پلتفرم را انتخاب کنید.

یکی را انتخاب کنید که با سطح مهارت فنی و نیازهای تجاری شما مطابقت داشته باشد. به عنوان مثال، بسیاری از سازندگان وب سایت، ویرایشگرهای کشیدن و رها کردن را ارائه می دهند. طراحی و شخصی سازی سایت ها را برای شما آسان تر می کند.

در اینجا چند گزینه وجود دارد:

وردپرس : بهترین برای مدیریت تمام جنبه های وب سایت شما، از جمله سئو
Squarespace : بهترین گزینه برای نمایش نمونه کارها و رزرو قرار ملاقات
Shopify : بهترین برای ایجاد یک وب سایت تجارت الکترونیک با طیف گسترده ای از صفحات محصول، مجموعه ها و صفحات پرداخت
Wix : بهترین برای ساخت سایت‌های اساسی مانند نمونه کارها، وبلاگ‌ها یا وب‌سایت‌های کسب‌وکار کوچک با نیازهای تجارت الکترونیک صفر تا حداقل

مطالعه بیشتر: 10 مرحله برای ایجاد یک وب سایت (از ابتدا)

استفاده از وردپرس را در نظر بگیرید زیرا به شما انعطاف فنی بیشتری برای بهبود رتبه بندی می دهد.

یک وب سایت وردپرس ساده و خوش ساخت بهترین شانس را در رتبه بندی به شما می دهد. توصیه می‌کنم یک آموزش یوتیوب برای کمک به ساخت سایت وردپرس خود پیدا کنید.

در حالی که سازندگان وب سایت محبوب هستند، ممکن است بهترین انتخاب نباشند زیرا کنترل شما را بر پشتیبان وب سایت شما محدود می کنند.

همانطور که تجارت شما رشد می کند و نیازهای SEO شما پیچیده تر می شود، این محدودیت ها ممکن است مانع پیشرفت شما شود.

«مشکل با چیزی مانند Wix، به ویژه، این است که اگر سئو را جدی بگیرید، در نهایت به نقطه‌ای می‌رسید که به هر حال باید از این پلتفرم فارغ شوید. Wix به‌عنوان سازنده، کنترلی را که روی توابع پشتیبان، HTML و جاوا اسکریپت دارید محدود می‌کند. در نهایت، شما به آن کنترل نیاز خواهید داشت و وردپرس بهترین پلتفرم برای به دست آوردن این کنترل است.

وردپرس شامل پلاگین ها و تم های زیادی برای افزایش تلاش های سئوی شما است. و سایت خود را کاربرپسندتر کنید. از جمله Elementor که به شما کمک می کند وب سایت خود را به راحتی با قالب ها طراحی کنید.

Elementor – ویرایش عنصر
صرف نظر از پلتفرمی که انتخاب می کنید، این مراحل کلیدی را هنگام ساخت یک وب سایت جدید دنبال کنید:

یک نام دامنه دریافت کنید
نام دامنه شما آدرس وب سایت شما در اینترنت است.

بنابراین، یک نام دامنه را انتخاب کنید که:

مرتبط است و نشان دهنده نام تجاری یا کسب و کار شما است
آسان برای به خاطر سپردن و تلفظ
مختصر – از نام‌های طولانی و پیچیده اجتناب کنید. در حالت ایده آل، از دو تا سه کلمه تجاوز نکنید. و آن را به 15 کاراکتر یا کمتر محدود کنید تا تایپ کردن برای مشتریان آسان باشد.
منحصر به فرد، متمایز است و به راحتی با سایر وب سایت ها اشتباه گرفته نمی شود
به عنوان مثال، Backlinko.com منحصر به فرد، به یاد ماندنی و مختصر است. همچنین به مخاطبان ما مرتبط است – بک لینک ها موضوع اصلی در صنعت سئو هستند.

URL Backlinko
یک تم را انتخاب کنید
موضوع وب سایت شما ظاهر و احساس کلی آن را تعیین می کند. تم از پیش تعیین شده ای را انتخاب کنید که با هویت برند شما مطابقت داشته باشد و برای موبایل پاسخگو باشد.

سپس، آن را سفارشی کنید تا آن را مال خود کنید.

برای ایجاد یک برند ثابت و به یاد ماندنی، موارد زیر را اضافه کنید:

رنگ های برند
فونت ها
گرافیک یا عکس

مطالعه بیشتر: طراحی وب سایت دوستدار SEO

امنیت را در اولویت قرار دهید
اقدامات امنیتی برای اعتماد کاربر و سئو ضروری است، زیرا گوگل وب سایت های امن را در نتایج جستجو در اولویت قرار می دهد.

وب سایت خود را با یک گواهی SSL (HTTPS) ایمن کنید تا از اطلاعات بازدیدکنندگان خود با استفاده از رمزگذاری داده ها محافظت کنید.

در اینجا نحوه نمایش گواهی امنیتی در وب سایت آمده است:

Backlinko – گواهی امنیتی
بسیاری از ارائه دهندگان هاستینگ گواهینامه های رایگان SSL را با برنامه های خود ارائه می دهند و اضافه کردن این لایه امنیتی به وب سایت شما را آسان می کند.

با ارائه دهنده هاست خود بررسی کنید تا ببینید آیا این شامل می شود یا خیر. اگر نه، به دنبال یک افزونه باشید. به عنوان مثال، در وردپرس، می توانید از Really Simple SSL استفاده کنید .

مطالعه بیشتر: طراحی وبلاگ: راهنمای کامل

بهینه سازی برای صفحه نمایش موبایل
بیش از نیمی از کل ترافیک وب از دستگاه های تلفن همراه است. بنابراین، مطمئن شوید که وب سایت شما پاسخگوی تلفن همراه است. به این معنی که با اندازه های مختلف صفحه نمایش سازگار است.

اکثر تم های مدرن و قالب های وب سایت طرح های واکنش گرا را ارائه می دهند. اما شما به راحتی می توانید با دسترسی به آن در گوشی هوشمند یا تبلت خود، میزان سازگاری سایت خود برای موبایل را بررسی کنید.

مواردی که باید در طول تست موبایل خود به دنبال آن باشید:

چیدمان: آیا چیدمان به طور یکپارچه با صفحه کوچکتر سازگار می شود بدون اینکه عناصر بریده شده یا روی هم قرار گیرند؟
ناوبری: آیا استفاده از منوی پیمایش روی صفحه لمسی آسان است؟ آیا دکمه ها و پیوندها به اندازه کافی بزرگ هستند که بتوان با دقت ضربه زد؟
متن: آیا متن برای صفحه نمایش موبایل قابل خواندن و اندازه مناسب است؟ از فونت هایی که نیاز به بزرگنمایی کاربر دارند اجتناب کنید. اندازه فونت 16 تا 20 پیکسل را هدف بگیرید.
تصاویر: آیا تصاویر به درستی با صفحه نمایش مطابقت دارند؟

مطالعه بیشتر: SEO موبایل: راهنمای قطعی

2. انجام تحقیقات
یادگیری نحوه انجام سئو برای یک وب سایت شامل تحقیق در مورد مشتریان، رقبا و کلمات کلیدی است. بنابراین، می توانید سایت خود را برای مخاطبان هدف و موتورهای جستجو بهینه کنید.

درباره مشتریان خود تحقیق کنید
درک آنچه که مخاطبان شما به صورت آنلاین به دنبال آن هستند، پایه و اساس یک استراتژی سئو موفق است .

ابتدا خود را به جای مشتریان خود قرار دهید و سوالاتی را که ممکن است در مورد محصول، خدمات یا صنعت شما داشته باشند مطرح کنید.

به آنها فکر کنید:

نکات دردناک: مشتریان شما با چه مشکلاتی روبرو هستند که کسب و کار شما می تواند حل کند؟ به عنوان مثال، یک مشتری شرکت حقوقی ممکن است در مورد درخواست طلاق در ایالت خود مشاوره بخواهد.
نیازهای اطلاعاتی: چه شکاف های دانشی دارند که می توانید پر کنید؟ به عنوان مثال، یک مشتری آرایشگاه ممکن است به دنبال اطلاعات قیمت در منطقه خود باشد.
تصمیمات خرید: چه عواملی را هنگام انتخاب راه حل در نظر می گیرند؟ به عنوان مثال، یک مشتری نانوایی ممکن است بخواهد در مورد گزینه های تحویل کیک تولد بداند.
فهرستی از سوالاتی که مشتریانتان به صورت حضوری، تلفنی یا از طریق کانال های بازاریابی مانند ایمیل و رسانه های اجتماعی می پرسند تهیه کنید.

روش‌های اضافی برای انجام تحقیقات مخاطب عبارتند از:

Forums and social media groups: Explore relevant Facebook groups, Reddit, Quora, and industry-specific forums. See what questions people ask and what topics they discuss related to your industry.
Answer The Public: This tool generates a visual map of people’s questions about a particular topic. Enter your product or service, and the tool will list question-based keywords.
AnswerThePublic – مدل مو – نتایج
Google Keyword Planner: This tool is primarily used for paid search. However, it can also be helpful for organic keyword research.
Interview your customers: If possible, conduct interviews or surveys with your current or potential customers to gather firsthand insights into their needs and challenges. Use a tool like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to collect your customers’ answers.
Google autocomplete: As you type a query into Google, it will suggest related searches based on search popularity. This can give you an insight into what people are looking for.
گوگل – پیشنهادات جستجو – مدل مو
Research Your Competitors
Research your competitor’s websites to find keywords they’re using to reach people. Since these keywords drive traffic to your competitors, they could also benefit your SEO strategy.

Note: We’ll be using Semrush to show you how to do competitive research. You can analyze up to 10 domains per day on a free account. Or you can use this link to access a 14-day trial on a Semrush Pro subscription.

Say you’re doing SEO research for your hairdressing salon in Miami. One of your main competitors is Blunt Blonde Salon.

Open Semrush’s Organic Research tool, enter “bluntblondesalon.com”, and select “US” as your target country. Hit “Search.”

Semrush – Organic Research – Bluntblondesalon
We can see Blunt Blonde Design targets 265 keywords and is estimated to receive 315 visitors from organic traffic in the next month.

تحقیقات ارگانیک – Bluntblondesalon – نتایج
Scroll past the overview to the “Top Keywords” section. Where you’ll find a list of the most popular search terms.

Click “View all keywords” to open the full list of all the keywords used across this website.

تحقیقات ارگانیک – Bluntblondesalon – کلمات کلیدی برتر
Review the keywords to see which ones you’d like to target in content.

موقعیت های جستجوی ارگانیک – Bluntblondesalon
Click the checkbox next to the ones you’re interested in to save them to a list.

Click “+Add to keyword list” and give your list a name (optional).

موقعیت های جستجوی ارگانیک – به لیست کلمات کلیدی اضافه کنید
To access your list of saved keywords, click your list. Or navigate to Keyword Strategy Builder from the left-hand menu. And select your list.

سازنده استراتژی کلمات کلیدی – لیست کلمات کلیدی
If you’d like to keep your keywords in a spreadsheet, click “Export” and select your preferred format.

فهرست کلمات کلیدی – صادرات داده
Research Keywords
By now, you should have a list of potential keyword ideas from your customer and competitor research.

At this point, use a keyword research tool like Semrush’s Keyword Magic tool. This tool will help you discover additional terms. And refine your list based on data like:

Search volume: Average number of monthly searches over a 12-month period
Keyword difficulty: How easy or hard it is to rank in Google’s top 10 search results
Search intent: The underlying purpose behind the user’s search (more on this later)
Enter one of your keywords in the Keyword Magic Tool, select your target region, and click “Search.”

Let’s say you want to target customers looking for curly haircuts.

Type the keyword, “curly haircuts” into the tool to research its popularity.

Semrush – ابزار جادویی کلمه کلیدی – جستجو – مدل موی فرفری
The Keyword Magic tool will populate relevant search terms. Like “mens curly haircuts” and “short curly haircuts.”

“Mens curly haircuts” could be a good term to target because it gets over 9,900 daily searches and has an “easy” keyword difficulty rating.

مدل موی مجعد مردانه – حجم و KD
Select the “Questions” filter to narrow your search to questions your audience searches for. Like “what is the best haircut for curly hair.”

کلید واژه ابزار جادویی – مدل موی مجعد – سوالات
Add any relevant keywords and questions to the keyword list you created when you researched the keywords.

3. Structure Your Website
Use the questions and search terms you researched to guide your website’s structure.

Andrew suggests mapping out what you want your website to look like. And ensuring it’s designed to answer your target audience’s questions.

“I would honestly just start with what your site architecture is going to look like. What pages do you need on your website to answer all of the questions that someone you’re trying to sell your product or service to is going to have?”

Site architecture is a navigational map of your website’s structure. It outlines the hierarchy of pages and how they connect. Like this:

برنامه ریزی وب سایت
A sitemap planning tool like Lucid can help you organize an SEO-friendly site architecture that appeals to your audience.

When creating your site structure, consider the following:

Essential pages: Ensure you have dedicated pages to address the key questions you‘ve identified in your audience research. For example, a homepage, about us, contact, and products/services page. These pages should be easily accessible through your main navigation menu.
Logical hierarchy: Logically organize your pages with main categories and subcategories. This will help users and search engines understand the relationship between pages and topics.
Another effective way to approach website structure is to look at your competitors. What pages do they have on their sites? What topics do they cover? Use their sites as inspiration for your structure.

4. Create Search Engine-Optimized Content
Once you’ve identified your audience’s questions and structured your website to address them, the next step is to create high-quality, search engine-optimized content.

This kind of content aims to do two things:

Provide valuable information to your audience
Signal to search engines that your website is a relevant and authoritative source
Here’s how to create SEO content:

Match Search Intent
Every question or search query you collected earlier has an underlying intent.

Matching this intent helps you create content that satisfies users. And ranks highly.

There are four types of search intent:

Informational: The user is looking for information or answers to a question. For example, “how to bake a cake” or “how long does it take to finalize divorce.” Create guides, blog posts, or FAQs that thoroughly address users’ questions to satisfy informational intent.
Commercial: The user is researching a product or service before making a purchase decision. For example, “best hair colorists in Miami” or “divorce lawyer recommendations.” To satisfy commercial intent, create informative product pages, comparison articles, reviews, and testimonials.
Transactional: The user is ready to buy or take a specific action. For example, “schedule an appointment with a hairstylist” or “book a flight to New York.” To satisfy this intent, create product, service, or landing pages with clear calls to action. Such as “Schedule an Appointment,” “Get a Quote,” or “Book a Flight.”
Navigational: The user is looking for a specific website or webpage. For example, “The New York Times website.” Or “order a custom cake from [your business name].” For navigational intent, make sure your website has an easy navigation menu.
Target Relevant Keywords
When writing copy for your website, integrate relevant keywords on each page.

This includes:

Page title (H1)
Subheadings (H2–H6)
Body text
Title tags
Meta descriptions
This helps search engines understand what your content is about. And improves your chances of ranking for relevant searches.

In addition to your primary target keywords, consider including relevant secondary keywords. These are related terms or phrases that can further enhance your content’s relevance and visibility in search results.

Use a combination of primary and secondary keywords to attract a broader range of organic traffic.

Incorporate E-E-A-T Signals
Beyond keyword optimization, it’s equally important to demonstrate Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) in your content.

But what does it mean?

Google created its E-E-A-T framework to evaluate the quality of webpages. This means the search engine prioritizes trustworthy content created by experts.

Here’s how to comply with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines:

Showcase your expertise by citing credible sources
Share your credentials and firsthand experience
Earn backlinks from reputable websites to build authority
Establish yourself as a thought leader by sharing industry-related content
For example, if you’re creating an article on how to fill out tax returns, you could ask an accountant to review it for accuracy.

If you’re creating a blog post on the best exercises to relieve back pain, you could ask a qualified physical therapist to demonstrate them in a video. Or provide expert quotes.

Prioritize E-E-A-T and create valuable content that resonates with your target audience. And you’ll have a better chance of improving your search rankings. Plus, you’ll build trust and credibility with your readers.

Structure Your Content Using Headings
Headings (H1 through H6.) help organize your content and make it easier to read.

They also signal to search engines about the hierarchy and relevance of your content.

Here’s how to structure your content with headings:

H1: Use the H1 tag for your page title. It should accurately reflect the main topic of the page. And include your primary keyword. H1 tells users and search engines what your page is about.
H2: Use H2 tags to structure the main sections within your content. Each H2 should focus on a specific subtopic. Or a certain step in a guide. Incorporate keywords relevant to your primary search query.
H3: Use H3 tags for subheadings within your H2 sections. This creates a clear hierarchy and makes your content more scannable. H3s are also great for incorporating relevant keywords.
سلسله مراتب تگ H1
5. Implement On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is optimizing individual webpages to enhance their visibility in search engines and attract more organic traffic.

Since you’re just learning how to do SEO for a website, we’ll focus on three essential on-page SEO techniques that can influence your website’s visibility.

Create a Title Tag
A title tag is a clickable headline in search results.

Each page on your website needs a unique title tag that tells users what to expect from the page.

Like this:

تحقیق کلمات کلیدی – پست – برچسب عنوان
Keep title tags concise (50 to 60 characters) and descriptive. Incorporate your target keyword naturally.

Write a Meta Description
A meta description is a brief summary of a webpage that appears below the title.

Like so:

تحقیق کلمات کلیدی – پست – توضیحات متا
Summarize the page’s content in 155 characters or fewer. Include relevant keywords. And make your meta description compelling so searchers want to click on it to read more.

Like a title tag, a meta description is also unique to each individual page of a website.

Include Internal Links
Internal links connect pages within your website. They show search engines like Google that pages on your website are relevant to each other. And helps readers get more in-depth information about the specific topic.

For example, our article about writing SEO content mentions keyword research. Because we already have an in-depth article about it, we included an internal link to lead our readers to that resource.

Like this:

Backlinko – محتوای سئو – لینک های داخلی
Follow these internal linking best practices:

Use Descriptive Anchor Text
Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. It serves as a preview of the content users can expect to find when they click on the link.

In the context of SEO, anchor text provides information to search engines about the linked page’s topic.

When writing anchor text, include a keyword or its variation. And avoid linking to generic phrases like “click here.”

In our example, the target keyword for the article we linked to was “keyword research.”

تحقیق کلمات کلیدی – پیوندهای داخلی
So, we hyperlinked this keyword because it aptly describes the linked-to page’s content.

Link to Relevant Pages
Ensure the pages you link to are contextually relevant to the current page.

For example, if you have a blog post about the benefits of yoga for stress relief, you could include internal links to other pages on your site about different yoga poses and meditation techniques.

This helps users discover related content. And signals to search engines that your pages are connected.

Optimize Images
Image SEO is the act of optimizing an image so that it has a better chance of appearing higher in search results and Google Images.

For example, if you’re creating a webpage on “heating repair services,” you should also include that keyword in your image name for that page:

Google Images – خدمات تعمیر گرمایش
Here’s how to do image SEO:

Use descriptive file names: Instead of using generic image names, use descriptive ones that include relevant keywords. For example, “energy-efficient heating systems.”
Add alt text: Alt text provides a text description of the image for users who are blind or partially sighted. It also appears on the page if the image fails to load. It also helps search engines understand the image content. Include relevant keywords naturally within the text.
نمونه متن جایگزین
Compress image sizes: Large image files can slow down your website, negatively impacting user experience and SEO. Before uploading an image on your website, use a free tool like Image Resizer to reduce its file size.
6. Establish Credibility and Earn Backlinks
You created valuable, search engine-optimized content.

That’s great.

But when your business website is new, you also need to establish credibility and authority through backlinks.

A backlink is a link from one website to another. It’s a signal for search algorithms that your website is trustworthy and has valuable information.

بک لینک چیست؟
Having backlinks helps show Google you’re a legitimate business people talk about.

While there are multiple ways to acquire backlinks, Andrew recommends getting involved in your local community.

For example, if you get a booth at a local farmer’s market, the event site might include your logo and a link to your site, helping you build authority.

“I recommend involving yourself in the community because offline activities can result in backlinks. Not only are these backlinks going to show Google that you’re involved locally, but they’re also going to get more potential customers to engage with you because they see you’re involved offline as well.”

Here are a few ways to establish credibility and get high-quality backlinks:

Share valuable content: Consistently share content on your website that helps your audience solve their problems and encourages them to share it with others
Join your local chamber of commerce: This can lead to a link on their directory and opportunities to network with other local businesses
Sponsor events and teams: Sponsorships often include website links and logo placements on event websites along with on team jerseys and banners
Donate to local communities and charities: Many charities will acknowledge your contribution on their website, providing a relevant backlink
Ask for links: Ask organizations you’re involved with to link to your website
Get citations: Set up your business profile on business directories like Yelp and Yellow Pages
7. Distribute Your Content
Creating content and optimizing its on-page elements is just the start. Now, it’s time to promote your content across various platforms. To attract more visitors to your website.

Reaching a wider audience will help build your brand, establish authority, and increase your online visibility.

This increased traffic signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant. Which can positively impact your rankings.

Social media: Share your content on your most active social media platforms. Tailor your messaging to each channel’s specific format and audience.
Email newsletters: Send regular newsletters to your subscribers, featuring your latest blog posts, articles, or company news
Guest blogging: Contribute high-quality content to other reputable websites in your industry and link it back to your website. This method lets you reach a wider audience and build backlinks.
Industry forums and communities: Engage in relevant online communities and share your expertise to establish thought leadership and attract potential customers
Paid advertising: Invest in targeted social media ads or paid search campaigns to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to your website

Further reading: 22 Content Marketing Examples to Inspire You

8. Set Up a Google Business Profile
A Google Business Profile (GBP) is a digital storefront where you can provide essential information about your business. Like your address and contact information.

GBP is a free tool by Google that allows you to manage your local business’s online presence across Google Search and Maps.

To get started, search for your business on Google. If Google has already created a profile for your business, claim it by verifying your ownership. If not, you can easily create a new profile by providing the required information.

Here’s what to keep in mind when setting up a Google Business Profile:

Choose the Right Category
Your primary category is the most important for SEO, as it significantly influences what keywords your business appears for.

For example, a law firm specializing in civil law should narrow down its business category to “Civil law attorney” to increase its visibility for relevant searches.

Google Business – دسته نمایه
Consider Seasonality
If your business is seasonal, consider changing your main category to reflect peak demand.

For example, an HVAC repair service might prioritize “Air conditioning repair service” in the summer. And switch to “Heating contractor” in the winter.

Include Relevant Photos
Add high-quality photos that showcase your business, products, or services. Feature season-specific offerings if applicable.

Like photos of your team installing air conditioners in the summer or servicing heaters in the winter.

Ensure NAP Consistency
Double-check that your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent and accurate across all online platforms. This includes your website, social media profiles, and online directories like Yelp.

Encourage and Respond to Reviews
Positive reviews build trust and influence local search rankings. Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond promptly to both positive and negative feedback.

Further reading: Local SEO: The Definitive Guide

9. Set Up Google Search Console and Google Analytics
Set up analytics tools like Google Search Console (GSC) and Google Analytics (GA) to track your website’s performance and understand how visitors interact with your content.

Why both?

GSC focuses on your website’s performance in Google search
GA provides a broader perspective on your website traffic. Including traffic from other sources like social media or referrals.
Let’s see how to set up each tool:

Google Search Console
Open Google Search Console, enter your domain, and click “Continue.”

کنسول جستجوی گوگل – Backlinko
Next, you’ll see the instructions to verify your domain ownership:

Sign in to the platform where you bought your domain name (e.g., GoDaddy)
Find the “DNS configuration” section for your domain on the domain provider platform
Paste your unique record provided by GSC into the “DNS configuration” for your domain
Press “Verify”
Google Search Console – Verify domain

Further reading: Google Search Console: The Definitive Guide

Google Analytics
Open Google Analytics, name your account, and select account data sharing settings.

Analytics – Account creation
Then, scroll to “Next.”

The next step is to create a property for your account. A property represents a website that you want to track and analyze.

Give your property a name and select your time zone and currency. Click “Next.”

Analytics – Create a property
Now, select your business details like industry and size.

Analytics – Describe your business
And your business objectives. Like generating leads, selling products or services, and raising brand awareness.

Analytics – Choose objectives
Accept Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement.

Analytics – Terms of service
Select the platform you’d like to start collecting data from (like a website, Android app, or iOS app).

In your case, select “Web.”

Enter your website URL and type “My Website” in the “Stream name” field. Click “Create stream.”

Analytics – Set up data stream
Select your website builder and follow the instructions for that specific platform.

Analytics – Install with CMS

Further reading: Google Analytics (GA): Ultimate Guide and Tutorial

Integrate GSC and GA in Semrush
Sign up for a free 14-day Semrush trial to monitor your GSC and GA data in one dashboard.

Combining data from various sources gives you a holistic view of your website’s performance. And lets you identify areas for improvement in one place.

Once you’ve set up Google Search Console and Google Analytics, integrate them into Semrush for a unified view.

Sign in to your Semrush account and navigate to “SEO Dashboard” from the left menu.

Semrush – SEO Dashboard
Enter your website name and click “Start now.”

Semrush – Dashboard – Create project
Navigate to the “SEO Dashboard” again and select the settings icon at the top right corner of the screen. Select “Set up Google account” from the drop-down menu.

Semrush – Projects – Set up Google account
Select the email you used to set up your Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Then, select your GA and GSC properties. And click “Save changes.”

Projects Dashboard – Manage Google services
Semrush will fetch data from GA and GSC for an aggregate view.

Scroll until you see “Traffic Analytics” and “Google Search Console Performance.” And review your site’s performance without having to log into multiple accounts.

Project Dashboard – GA & GSC data
10. Monitor Results and Adjust SEO Strategy
Once you’ve learned how to do SEO for your website, your work isn’t done.

Regularly monitor your SEO performance to understand what’s working and what needs improvement. So, you can maintain or improve your rankings.

Check Impressions
Impressions represent the number of times a user sees your website in search results. Even if they didn’t click it.

Having any number of impressions is a positive sign, as it indicates your site is indexed and discoverable.

Open Google Search Console, click on “Search results” under the “Performance” section, and select “Total Impressions.”

GSC – Backlinko – Total impressions
Not seeing impressions for keywords you want to rank for may mean your content isn’t indexed or optimized well enough.

Or that Google doesn’t consider your website relevant for those queries.

The solution is to revisit the content and update it to fix any issues to help it rank higher. And get more impressions.

Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your content. Include them in headings, meta descriptions, and image alt text.

Analyze Clicks
A click is a user action that signifies a visitor found your link in the search results and chose to visit your website.

Clicks show that your rankings are high enough to attract organic traffic.

Scroll past the general performance results in Google Search Console and select the “Pages” tab to see which pages get the most clicks.

It should look something like this:

GSC – Backlinko – Total clicks
If you’re getting impressions but few or no clicks, this means your website shows up in search results, but users aren’t clicking on it.

This could be due to a couple of reasons:

Low ranking: Your page might be buried in search results. In this case, you need to improve your rankings by optimizing your content, building backlinks, and improving your website’s overall authority.
Uncompelling title and meta description: Your title and meta description might not be exciting enough to attract clicks. Revise them to make them more compelling and relevant to the search query.
Track CTRs
The click-through rate reflects the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.

Monitor click-through rates (CTR) for different queries to see which pages perform well. And which ones need improvement.

To see which keywords get the highest CTR, and which ones get the lowest, select the “Queries” tab. Like this:

GSC – Backlinko – Average CTR
Get Started with SEO for Your New Website
SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience and dedication. With consistent effort, you can steadily improve your website’s visibility, attract more organic traffic, and achieve your business goals.

It’s important to have realistic expectations. As Andrew says, many people make the mistake of giving up on SEO too early, not realizing it’s a long-term investment.

“Remember, you’re five to 10 years and many thousands of dollars behind your competitors. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.”

Focus on building a strong foundation by creating valuable content and understanding your audience and their needs. Over time, your efforts can lead to sustainable growth and success.

Understanding the art of SEO copywriting can help you write content that resonates with your audience and search engines.

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